Shipping Information
All orders are shipped within one business day from clearance of payment if all products are in stock. A shipment notification email will be sent to the customer once the order is shipped.
Shipping & Handling Costs
We offer Free Ground Shipping within the continental United States for orders that total $90.00 or more of non-disposable products.
For most other orders, the shipping charge is a low flat rate of $4.95 per order in the United States. However, many of our disposable or heavy products, such as putties, may necessarily require a heavy weight surcharge depending on quantity, weight, and shipping destination. (We will notify you if this is necessary.) Because of additional handling surcharges that carriers apply to packages over 50lb, please note that orders that surpass this threshold may need to be adjusted before we can ship out.
For certain orders that are too large to ship via USPS, we may ask for a commercial address or ask the customer to cover the residential delivery surcharge applied by the carrier.
International orders (which may be accepted on a case-by-case basis) will also be charged additional shipping fees depending on costs, and we do not ship disposable items to international addresses. All refunds we make will have PayPal's payment processing fee withheld from the refund amount, so please ask if we will ship to you before checking out and making payment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
In the case of disparities or discrepancies between shipping costs that we charge on our site and those that we may charge elsewhere, please bring them to our attention and we will always provide you the better net price for items + shipping for orders placed on our site.
We are doing our best to provide our dentists with quality products at the lowest possible price, all the time.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or (800) 474-5090.
Thank you,
UC Dental Products Team